
In October of 1987, during Phil Toews first year in the business, one of the fastest stock market crashes in history occurred. This event was pivotal in forming his ethos of maintaining assets as a primary part of investing.

On his way to New York City from Kansas Phil spent 5 years at a firm outside of Philadelphia where he discovered that many clients, despite their relative affluence, needed 60% or more in stocks to remain funded through retirement. This posed a potential mathematical complication as a recession could cause portfolios to lose value for extended periods of time that could last over a decade. Based on this perspective, in 1990, Phil worked on the first iteration of an algorithm-based system designed to attempt to limit risk of losses

After helping run risk managed models for five years, and learning many valuable and sometimes painful lessons, in 1995, with no track record, and zero assets under management, Phil founded Toews Asset Management.

Managing through the internet bubble burst, the financial crisis, and COVID-19 – Phil remains committed to attempting to systematically limit loss while growing wealth. His initial idea, to build algorithms designed to attempt to limit risk during extreme negative markets, has evolved into a suite of Separately Managed Accounts, Mutual Funds, and now ETF’s.

Toews Agility Shares ETFs are the latest iteration of a career spent in the service of those who want growth but seek to minimize loss. Toews Agility Shares provide simplified access to sophisticated risk management.

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